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Pieces of Career Wisdom and Updates

Read the latest career tips and advice straight from the experts!

Final Quarter Preparation.

The end of 2024 is near. How was your year so far?

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Paris. City of Love ... ?

The Olympics began around 3,000 years ago, so I won’t beginthis newsletter by explaining its history. What I will do is share what we canlearn from this year’s Olympics so far. Why? Because this event can teach you more about yourselfthan you realise. (whether you are interested in this or not).

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Kick off your Career Potential: Lessons from Euro 2024 Football

Euro 2024, Germany. Let’s dive into what we can learn from this tournament and how these lessons can get our head in the game for our professional journeys.

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UK General Election

A general election has been called, much sooner than expected. Tactical or not?

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Sales. A Dirty Word?

Sales. Sounds pretty straight forward, right? Someone sells and someone buys. But what are they selling? And what are they buying? And how did they do it? This opens up many questions in various fields and can even be dirty.

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Adjective: A period of unemployment people use to have fun. It describes the situation of someone who doesn't have a job and still enjoys their time off.

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Mother's Day

As we approach Mother’s Day, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the profound influence mothers have on our lives, including our career paths. Motherhood is not just about nurturing children; it’s about shaping futures and inspiring generations.

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Is it time to switch your career partner?

February is upon us already, the month of romance around the world. Relationships are incredibly important for fulfilment in our lives. But did you know that one of the most important set of relationships is within your career?

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New Year, New Career

As we stand at the beginning of a new year, it's not just a time to celebrate but also a moment for reflection. Have you achieved everything you set out to accomplish in your career in 2023? Or is it perhaps time for a change, a shift toward new opportunities and challenges?

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Golden Week: Make It or Break It in 2024

Ah, that festive lull. Christmas week is marked on your calendar as a time to vegetate on the sofa, mimicking those pigs in blankets all too closely while dozing off. Don’t worry. We all dream about it. And you’ve probably worked your socks off all year to earn it! Of course, as a careers coach and partner, I won’t let your potential fester for too long. If you’ve got big plans, and I mean HUGE scary dreams for 2024, starting January 1st is NOT good enough. Sorry to burst the festive bubble, but it’s time to take more action than you may have intended. Let me share a secret that has ensured every year I embark on is a SUCCESSFUL year: Golden Week.

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Career Progression

Let’s talk Career Advancement, Fulfilment, Mastery & How to Get There!

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Serendipitous Career Stories

Serendipity | noun | the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance

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Why Business Relationships are a Fundamental Pillar during times of Uncertainty

Whether they’re deep friendships, mentorships, advisors or coffee buddies, the connections we make at work are critical to our success, says Richard Edge

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Importance of Networking with Coworkers - : Three Reasons Why It Is Important To Network With Your CoWorkers

There’s never been a time in history where your brand and what people think of you is so important. In a world of tech, transparency and values, it really does matter what people think. A large part of the people in your immediate circle are likely to be your co-workers. The people that see you most days in person or on zoom, or exchange emails or WhatsApps with you. So why is it important to network with them and make a good impression? Let’s take a look.

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Why Failure Is Still Growth!

"Failure is not failure if you learn from your mistakes” – Steve Jobs All of the most successful people on the planet, regardless of age, ethnicity, background, nationality, culture, privilege – have one thing in common. They failed. Yet they still won! Winning and growth is not possible without failure Let’s take a look!

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How Learning Is Crucial To Career Growth

What is continuous learning? It’s defined as education or training that is always ongoing. But it doesn’t have to be formal learning. There are many ways to continuously learn. So what are the options available and why this is so important to career growth? Let’s take a look!

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Have you chosen the right career partners? [Valentine's Day Edition]

Valentine’s day – the day that is most well-known around the world that celebrates love, romance and relationships. A relationship is defined by the Oxford English dictionary as “the way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other”. Did you know that in your life, most of the relationships that you have are with the people that you work with? Your colleagues, your bosses, your staff, your teammates – the people that you interact with on an almost daily basis, are likely to far outnumber the friends and family that you interact with on a daily basis. So the question is – these partners – these relationships – are they with the right people? Have you chosen the right ones? Is it time to find some new ones? Let’s take a look.

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Knowing The Right Skills

Each of us comes equipped with a unique set of skills. You are a combination of inherent traits that inform your personality, as well as the hard skills you’ve honed with education, practice, and experience. You’ve persevered and persisted and you know you have a lot to offer. Let's explore this further!

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A Guide to Choosing a New Career Path

Are you stuck in a career you picked early in life and no longer passionate about? Maybe you’re daily work life is an exercise in being miserable and unhappy. If so, you aren’t alone. It’s not uncommon to feel out of place in your career. Here at Careerships, we want everyone to find fulfilling work they enjoy so if your professional isn’t a good match anymore, it may be time to consider choosing a new career path.

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3 Tips to Set Realistic Career Goals for 2022

It’s that time of year again – time to sit down and start making those resolutions. You probably have plenty of personal goals to set but, have you thought about setting some career goals for next year? Wanting to be successful without setting goals is like going on a trip without a destination. It’s the perfect time to reflect on what you want your career to look like a year from now or ten years from now, and to start thinking of an action plan to make your dreams a reality.

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Why You Should Reflect On Your Career Achievements And Learnings In 2021

As the end of the calendar year approaches, the focus shifts to the “season of giving” and also planning ahead for the new year. With each new year comes opportunities and the old adage of a “new year, a new you” is often used widely by many marketing companies. But before planning ahead and thinking about progress, first it’s time to reflect on the year that has passed. Why is it important to take this step before marching forwards you ask? Well….let’s take a look!

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How to Estimate Salary Range

Do you know your worth? Does anyone? It’s one of the most complicated questions to ask yourself and be truly objective. We know that those that are happiest with their remuneration are the ones in the first month of a new job! Like all humans, people get used to what they have and want to progress. The key to career fulfillment is to have autonomy, mastery, and purpose. It is an element of mastery which means we strive to want to do better and therefore can become dissatisfied with the terms of a contract which at one point we were satisfied with. So if you're trying to understand your worth, what are the things you should look at? Let’s take a look. ‍

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The Great Resignation: How the Pandemic Has Changed the Job Market

This August almost 3% of workers handed in their resignation – a new record. 4.3 million individuals quit their jobs, vastly outnumbering the number of layoffs from employers. This mass exodus means Americans are quitting their jobs in record numbers in what is now being coined “The Great Resignation.” Learn how can you leverage the current red-hot job market to your benefit!

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Interview Tips: 5 Things to Never Say In An Interview

Last month we published an article entitled “How Do I Prepare”. We got some great feedback and engagement. In that article we talked about the right things to do. It felt natural to then publish a friendly reminder to people, of things you should never do! It is important of course to remember that it’s ok to make mistakes and fail, and that you learn from these experiences. But when it comes to interviews sometimes you don’t get a second chance! So take a look at these 5 things to avoid and let us know your thoughts.

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Interview Tips: How to Answer Commonly Asked Questions

One of the most common questions that people have when preparing for a career change is “How do I prepare for an interview?” The truth is that every interview is different. It depends on the seniority of the role, the culture of the organisation, the sector you are in, the country you’re in, and most importantly the personality of the people that you will be meeting, their backgrounds and also their own strengths and weaknesses. With the right strategy and research, all of this information is readily available online and it is this preparation which really helps people win interviews and something that we specialise in at @Careerships! However, if you want some general tips to give you a good baseline for your next interview, here are a few things to remember!

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Summer's Here!

Summer’s here in the Western World!! Copa America, Wimbledon and Euro 2020 have all come to an end. Schools are about to break for the summer in the UK and “Freedom Day” is around the corner. It’s time to relax, forget about the future and live for the moment. Or is it? Some of the most successful people in history talk about taking action when others are not. If you want to make a move in the next 6 months, the time to get ahead is to start now! No change is easy, but great things can happen with the right strategy and planning. Let’s take a look.

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Exam Season – Getting The Results You Want!

It’s that time of year again! For students around the world, it’s exam season. They say that your years as a student are the best years of your life. However, during exam season I would say that is absolutely not the case. The pressure amongst peers, both in person and online has never been higher for today’s students. Good exam results can facilitate good opportunities, but do you need to feel bad if you receive low grades? Can you still succeed without them? Perhaps the key is about building a network? Read our article in FULL to take advantage of an exciting FREE offer that we are making available for students. Let’s take a look.

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May The 4th Be With You!

In this article we will be taking a tongue in cheek look at the importance of cult trends and how these may be able to open doors for you or not. One of the key factors to consider when developing your career is external factors, this can also include in today’s technology heavy world, “social factors”. It’s important to make sure you know what is on trend, what’s a bubble and what is here to stay. Otherwise you could be making some bad long-term choices. So whether you see yourself as a Jedi Master or a Sith Lord, it’s time to delve into the world that started “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away"

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Rebirth of Your Career

Most people have a professional career span of around 40 years! People bounce from one role to another hoping opportunities fall in their lap. In terms of external macro-environmental context, the general consensus with some hope and will is that “the world is about to return to something like normal post covid”. This could be considered in some arenas a rebirth. A stark contrast to the fact that the majority of careers over the last 18 months have either stagnated or even sadly taken a step backwards. So if you think your career choices should align with the new world, it’s definitely time to think about a rebirth of your career!

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Pandemic Learnings

11th March 2020. A day that will go down in the history books. The World Health Organisation led by Ethiopian CEO Tedros Adhanom declared the outbreak of covid-19 a global pandemic. So as we plan for a post-pandemic world, what are the key learnings that we need to be mindful of, both individually and collectively that will enable us to prosper for the long term moving forward. Let's take a look.

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Mother's Day - A Time For Celebration

On Thursday 11th February 2021, Bumble Co-Founder Whitney Wolfe Heard thrust the spotlight on mum’s around the globe as she became the world’s youngest self-made female billionaire, and when listing her company she did it with her son literally on her hip! There’s never been a better time to celebrate the success of mothers around the world and today’s article is our tribute to fantastic mums, that made the news in the last 12 months alongside a little more info about the headline grabbing Whitney Wolfe Heard! Let’s take a look...

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Time For A Break Up?

So, it’s February 2021. 1 year into an unprecedented pandemic. The world’s changed. Time to take stock of your career choices? Time for a break up? Let’s take a look…

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Year Of The Ox: How To Manifest Hard Work And Positivity In Finding The Right Job

The Ox symbolises honesty and hard work. If you’re in the middle of a career change and competing with someone to secure a new role, how can you maintain these values and utilise them to progress your career, whilst ensuring that you don’t come second to the Rat? Let’s take a look.

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How Do You Brand Yourself In Your Resume And Interview?

You’re looking for a change in career and you want to understand why you aren’t standing out. Your CV or Resume is top notch, and your LinkedIn profile is up to date, but you still aren’t gaining traction for the jobs you want. Maybe it’s time to consider your personal brand. But surely brands are for companies and celebrities not little old me? In 2021, absolutely not! A brand is for everyone! Let’s take a look.

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Values, What Are They And How Do You Find An Organisation With The Right Ones?

Across the globe it’s not a favourable job market for candidates. In order to progress your career, you should compromise your values and your own personal objectives and refuse to try to make a change. I couldn’t disagree more with this belief. Amidst uncertainty, there is opportunity. How? Let’s take a look.

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Holiday Promo: Here’s A Holiday Cheer For Your Career!

This Holiday season, Careerships is spreading Holiday Cheer by offering different gifts that will help boost your career in time for the New Year! Invest in yourself and avail our Holiday promos while they last!

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11-11: Happy Singles Day!

Whilst those in the UK commemorate Armistice Day, in other parts of the globe, the largest shopping event in the World takes place! When looking at an international career option it’s important to be aware of cultural differences, events and celebrations. So, what is Singles Day and why have you maybe not heard of it before? Read on to understand a little more about this global phenomenon.

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The USA Election is coming fast! It’s a big external transition factor to your own life and career, can you control the impact on you?

The US Election is the biggest transition project on the planet! One of the biggest external factors that can influence your own career plans! Are you ready?

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Careers Fairs Online: How Do They Work And How Do You Impress?

Careerships was delighted to be present at the Leeds University Careers Fair. We met some great people. Here’s our summary of the day.

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On Demand Interviews: A Game-Changing Innovation or A Risk to Career Relationship-Building?

HireVue could be a very interesting piece of Tech as work continues to take place remotely in a wide array of sectors across the Globe. If you are faced with this in your career change, how do you make sure you are prepared to tackle it?

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A Level Results Day: CV Tips and Interview Tips For That First Step on The Career Ladder

You have just finished your A Levels and decided further education is not for you. There are many that are anxious about this, but within any economic downturn there is opportunity, the key is to find it. Here are the top 3 tips for both your CV and your Interview to help you land that job.

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A Level Results Day: How to Engage The Entry-Level Job Market and The Apprenticeship Market During a Pandemic

You've finished your A Levels. Everyone maybe telling you this is the worst possible time to find a job. It isn’t actually true, and here is why now is a great time to seize opportunity and go that extra mile to make yourself stand out from the crowd.

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A Level Results Day: How to Engage Universities During Clearing

In British culture one of the most important days in an ambitious young person’s calendar is A Level Results Day! If you or someone you know doesn’t get the results they were hoping for on Thursday, it’s not the end of the world. There are always options at every crossroads and the key is to be calm, take stock and plan your next moves strategically.

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Career Search In A Pandemic World

Try not to settle for the first “YES” if the job doesn’t align with your personal objectives. It might be great to accept it initially, but will you be stuck in the wrong place feeling unable to move when the right job comes along? Make sure your short-term actions align with your long-term mission.

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Jurgen Klopp: The Steps of Success and His 5-Year Plan

It’s July 2020. Liverpool are the Premier League Champions, the European Champions and the World Champions! To get there, Liverpool's Head Coach, Jurgen Klopp, had prepared a 5-Year Plan. Here are our thoughts on the 5 STEPS you need to have at the core of your personal 5-year plan and what it meant for Mr. Klopp!

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Rishi Sunak Unveils His “Plan For Jobs” Including The “Kickstart” Scheme For 16-24’s and The "Eatout-To-Helpout" Scheme. What Does It All Mean?

As redundancies and job losses sadly continue to rise both in the UK and globally, UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced today the latest UK governmental initiatives that seeks to stimulate the British economy. It is important during your job search to remain aware of any key governmental announcements that are made in case you are able to utilise them to your advantage.

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Interviewing In A Pandemic World

You've secured yourself an interview during a pandemic, now what? The main advice is to make sure you BE YOURSELF, and remember, an interview is a two-way process! Here are our 5 P’s to focus on which will help you on your mission.

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