Coaching Packages

Our Packages

Since Careerships was established in 2020, we have maintained our 100% success rate at helping individuals reach and exceed their career objectives across 31 different countries and many sectors and industries.

We are very committed to each individual we work with. Therefore we cannot take on any new clients until we have had a completely free 30 minute consultation either in person or via Zoom.

Package Overview

If you are looking for an ambitious and substantial move/promotion, or a change in sector or country, then our expertise can certainly give you the tools to help you reach those objectives.

We offer a range of solutions depending upon where you are in your career journey and the type of results you would like to achieve.

These include:

  • VIP Development Package– for senior executives looking to establish their legacy
  • Executive Career Boost Package – Our most popular package! For senior professionals looking to make a big move! A promotion? A Substantial Pay Rise? A Change in country or sector? This package is most likely for you.  
  • Career Transformation Package – For middle level professionals seeking to give their career either a change in direction or to fast-forward the progress.  
  • Graduate Coaching Package – For undergraduates and recently qualified postgraduates looking to get a head start in their career.

Looking to focus on business creation? Speak to us about our Entrepreneurship Package.

Please note that each package progresses according to the needs of every individual and are highly personalised depending on each individual’s circumstances. The timescales referenced are to be acted as a guide but will be agreed upon during your initial mandatory free consultation. 

To book a free consultation send a message at

VIP Development Package

£12,000 / 15,000USD / 20,500SGD / 110,000 Yuan / 55,000QAR / 14,000 Euros

Our most transformational package for very senior individuals that have decided before they retire that they wish to leave a legacy. Join us in a partnership that lasts circa 18 months as we make sure that you leave a lasting impact on the world as well as setting you up nicely for your final career move or for your semi-retirement/retirement.

This package includes:

  • 12 x 1 hour Coaching Sessions via Zoom or MS Teams 
  • 3 x 1 hour In Person Coaching Sessions to change the environment to help unpick those very difficult decisions
  • 2 VIP Half Day Workshops (3 hours) – held in-person or online at your request, these will provide you with 4 industry experts specifically working together to work on your objectives and to help create your roadmap and strategy.  
  • 2 VIP Business Lunches - additional coaching sessions in 5 star surroundings to assist your creative thinking
  • Introductions to key people who have already achieved what you would like to accomplish.
  • Attendance at a professional top-tier 2-3 day conference including tickets and accommodation supported by our CEO to help network, influence and engage.
  • Unlimited Support via WhatsApp Message and Email for the duration of the Package. (7 days a week)
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Executive Career Boost Package

£6,600 / 8,400USD / 11,000SGD / 60,000 Yuan / 30,000QAR / 7,600 Euros

Our most popular package!

Whilst every individual’s journey is unique, in general this package is tailored to last for 6-12 months and includes the following:

  • 10 1 hour Coaching Sessions – involving a range of topics as required as discussed during zoom consultation such as network building, stakeholder coaching, interview coaching, job search strategy etc. 
  • New Executive CV 
  • New Executive LinkedIn Profile 
  • Introductions as required to other industry professionals in my network from other sectors as we agree appropriate and practicable during the process.
  • Cover Letters, Introduction Letters and Application Forms support encompassing guidance, advice and review, not content creation.
  • Salary Negotiation Support for your next role.  
  • Ongoing & substantial research on your behalf looking for suitable roles to ensure all opportunities are explored.
  • Research on individuals & companies that you will meet for prospective interviews & for network growth. 
  • Utilisation of a unique and sophisticated AI and psychometric toolkit and programme to assist with network growth, stakeholder management and interview preparation
  • Unlimited Support via WhatsApp and Email support throughout the programme. (7 days a week)
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Career Transformation Package

£2,880 / 3,600USD / 4,800SGD / 26,000 Yuan / 13,000QAR / 3,300 Euros

Transitioning or changing careers may leave you with some doubts. Is it too late to change jobs? Is moving across industries worth it? Are my skills transferable and valuable? Don't worry. Wherever you are in your career journey, it is never too late to get your dream job.

This package is perfect for those in middle management or slightly above looking to make a positive career transformation over a 3-6 month period. It includes:

  • 5 - 1 hour Coaching Sessions 
  • New Executive CV 
  • New Executive LinkedIn Profile 
  • Ongoing & substantial research on your behalf looking for suitable roles to ensure all opportunities are explored.
  • Research on individuals & companies that you will meet for prospective interviews & for network growth 
  • Unlimited Support via WhatsApp and Email support throughout the programme. (7 days a week)
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Graduate Coaching Package

£1,440 / 1,800USD / 2,400SGD / 13,000 Yuan / 6,700QAR / 1,600 Euros

You have recently graduated or about to graduate and you are wondering what happens next?

This package is tailored to you. Including everything that is in our “Career Transformation Package” but providing you a 50% discount in recognition that you are at the very start of your career journey. This includes:

  • 5 - 1 hour Coaching Sessions  
  • New Executive CV  
  • New Executive LinkedIn Profile  
  • Ongoing & substantial research on your behalf looking for suitable roles to ensure all opportunities are explored.
  • Research on individuals & companies that you will meet for prospective interviews & for network growth  
  • Unlimited Support via WhatsApp and Email support throughout the programme. (7 days a week)
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